Winning at Life (Series: Tales of Animus)


Winning at Life (Series: Tales of Animus)


733 円 (税抜き)

Most of the protagonists are on a desperate journey of self-discovery, as they search for a missing piece of their soul. Sometimes they find what they seek, at other times they find something more profound and at other times still, they utterly fail and are unable to mend their ways and change. Although none of the protagonists are human, the inner struggles they deal with are easily-relatable to us, as we have all experienced temptation, rejection, disappointment and other manifestations of fear. Put simply, this book takes you on exciting, bite-sized adventures, where you will witness ordinary characters dream big, dig deep, rise to extraordinary challenges and prevail through faith and ingenuity. All stories are about someone accepting a challenge, succeeding and thereby growing or avoiding, succumbing and thereby becoming diminished by the experience. These stories attempt to magnify that spark of heroism that lives in us all.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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easily protagonists succeeding challenges desperate