Benefits of a Space-Based Group System Architecture: Payload Integration, On-Orbit Operations, Launch Segment, Communications, DARPA, Low Earth Orbit, ISS International Space Station, Geostationary


Benefits of a Space-Based Group System Architecture: Payload Integration, On-Orbit Operations, Launch Segment, Communications, DARPA, Low Earth Orbit, ISS International Space Station, Geostationary


1,049 円 (税抜き)

Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique study examines the use of smaller space-based group satellites. The volatility in today's economics has resulted in government attempts to reduce cost while maintaining performance. One of the elements examined by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency was the idea of fractionating a current monolithic satellite system into several smaller, space-based group (SBG) satellites. This architecture would allow for multiple, smaller, and less expensive satellites to work together to accomplish the several missions. This study focused on research and analysis of the system FireSat. The analysis removed the ground communications suite from the sensor platform. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet was used to develop the resulting cost relation for the sensor-only satellite. Using assumptions provided by that analysis, three additional systems, currently in operation, were examined for cost savings if placed into the SBG. The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite was used as a basis for cost of a communications satellite. The cost analysis resulted in an estimated $52 million FY15 to the space segments alone. Additional research is required to determine cost savings within the full architecture and develop a risk-cost analysis to determine whether cost could be further reduced due to higher reliability, lower replacement cost risk, and longer lifetimes. CHAPTER I * INTRODUCTION * A. BACKGROUND * B. PURPOSE AND RESEARCH QUESTION * C. BENEFITS OF STUDY * D. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY * CHAPTER II * SPACE-BASED GROUP COMPARISON * A. INTRODUCTION * B. MONOLITHIC ARCHITECTURE * 1. Concept Inception * 2. Design and Development * a. Multi-mission Design * b. Technological Limitations * c. Reliability Development * 3. Test and Employment * a. Payload Integration * b. Demand Requirements * c. On-Orbit Operations * C. UTILIZATION OF SPACE BASED GROUPS * 1. Development * 2. Overall Integration * 3. On-Orbit Maintainability * D. CHAPTER SUMMARY * CHAPTER III * RESEARCH ANALYSIS * A. INTRODUCTION * B. MISSION REQUIREMENTS * C. FRACTIONAL DIVISION * 1. Orbital Modeling * 2. Sensor Selection * 3. Operation and Support * a. Initial Operation Capability * b. Operation and Reliability * c. Repairability * 4. Launch Segment * 5. System Communications * a. Space-Based Communications * b. Ground Communications * D. CHAPTER SUMMARY * CHAPTER IV * APPLICATION OF STUDY * A. ANALYSIS SUMMARY * B. COST COMPARISONS * C. RECOMMENDATIONS * CHAPTER V * CONCLUSIONS * A. KEY POINTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS * B. AREAS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH * APPENDIX: * FIRESAT SBG SENSOR DESIGN画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer economics together Segment replacement