Religion in the Thought of Mikhail Bakhtin Reason and Faith


Religion in the Thought of Mikhail Bakhtin Reason and Faith


11,308 円 (税抜き)

This book examines the significance of religion in the work of the twentieth century philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin. Exploring Bakhtin’s contribution to debates on methodology in the study of religion, this book argues that his use of religious terminology is derived from his source material in philosophy of religion and not from his confessional commitment to Russian Orthodox Christianity. Critiquing Gavin Flood’s important work Beyond Phenomenology, Hilary Bagshaw explains how Bakhtin’s work on ’outsideness’ presents invaluable insights for scholars of religion, particularly pertinent to the contemporary insider/outsider debate.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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particularly significance contemporary invaluable Critiquing