The Little Book of Mind Health: A Zen Buddhist's ABC guide to living in a stressful world


The Little Book of Mind Health: A Zen Buddhist's ABC guide to living in a stressful world


300 円 (税抜き)

In this short easy to read essay the author succinctly outlines three practical steps to improving mind health and overcoming anxiety and stress. Focused on living in a stressful world this is the first short essay to bring together mindfulness, meditation and brain nutrition under one complete approach. Avoiding jargon and complex terms this is a book which is accessible to all readers who wish to strengthen their ability to live in a world of stress and challenges. In a no nonsense Zen-like approach to stress people of all ages and situations will appreciate the simple meditation approach and the holistic approach to mind health by including nutrition for the brain as a key component of stress management.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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together succinctly meditation nonsense challenges