Real Hoodoo: The Final Prophesy


Real Hoodoo: The Final Prophesy


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Lord Augustus is the author of the book “Real Hoodoo (The Final Prophesy)”. He is a spiritual practitioner and an advanced numerologist who is always ready to share and learn more about his spiritual knowledge. His teachings are Bible based in that he uses Bible verses along with numerology to explain some hoodoo or extremely abstract happenings in the human race and so many much more. To know more about Lord Augustus, you can check him out on his website address www. In the book “Real Hoodoo (The Final Prophesy)”, author Lord Augustus practically presents himself as a character who gives an account of the happenings in his life right from his youthful age up until his adult age. In his early life, the character begins to see some unexplainable things in reality as well as in his dreams and the character never pays attention to them thinking they are just things he imagined. However, Lord Augustus uses Bible verses to explain the character’s imagination and in turn helping the readers to understand the protagonist character. The book is compartmentalized into five chapters. The first chapter gives an account and unveils the series of events that happened to the protagonist before and after he comes to know more about God using Bible verses and numerology to solve the intriguing events. Chapter two of the book sheds light to what the holy Bible is? Who is God? And Who His people are. In this chapter, Lord Augustus with the aid of Bible verses brings into knowledge how the lineage of God’s people are determined, who are the enemies of God and the ways in which they can be approached. Chapter three of this book makes a juxtaposition between what God says and what the enemies says. It gives an insight into what witchcraft is all about and it also expatiate extensively about what the Bible says on events like Christmas, Halloween, thanksgiving, independence day, Easter, valentine’s day, new year’s day, Sabbath, sin, laws, Passover, abomination and so many much more events that are causing a lot of controversy amongst people in the world today. It also gives a clear description of God’s holy days for his chosen people. Lord Augustus uses chapter four of this book to present that fact that Hoodoo is real especially for those who don’t believe in Hoodoo. In cementing this fact, he uses Bible verses to prove that Hoodoo do exist. In the latter part of the chapter four, he provides solutions to help one through in times of Hoodoo. Such solutions include the principal things of life. What are these principal things of life and how can they help in solving Hoodoo? Finally chapter five of this book with the sub heading “The final prophesy” sheds more light on what will happen at the end of this world. It gives insight to God’s judgement against the enemies of his chosen, the special treatment to enemy number one and who truly is the end of the world and the beginning that followed it. In all, this book is a well-researched Bible based book that gives insight to the supernatural using a real life story with Bible verses.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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