Customer Serviced Bedtime Stories Collection, #1


Customer Serviced Bedtime Stories Collection, #1


150 円 (税抜き)

Emily is alone in an isolated farmhouse when the lights go out during a nighttime thunderstorm. Andy is the reassuring customer service rep on the other end of the line. Is it possible for two people to fall in love just from the sound of their voices? Can it last when daytime will expose the secrets they are both keeping? Customer Serviced is the first story in the Bedtime Stories Collection is a thirty story series of erotic romance, short stories, and novellas. They deal with love, lust, longing, remorse, revenge and redemption. The stuff of life. The protagonists range from 18 to 80 and come from all walks of life. They struggle with real life pressures like divorce, redundancy, betrayal, disease, disability, and disappointment; BUT they thrive. My characters are not defeated by their circumstances and often discover a wonderful new chapter in their lives that was impossible to predict. If you enjoy uplifting erotic romance stories, The Bedtime Stories Collection is for you.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thirty Collection voices protagonists series