Low Body Temperatures but Not Hypothyroid: How I Banished my Health Gremlins and Lost Weight through Thermogenic Foods and Burst Training


Low Body Temperatures but Not Hypothyroid: How I Banished my Health Gremlins and Lost Weight through Thermogenic Foods and Burst Training


514 円 (税抜き)

YOU WALK FROM THE DOCTOR’S SURGERY CONFUSED. All the blood tests are normal. You don’t drink (much), you don’t smoke, your blood pressure and heart function are normal. You are not diabetic, overweight, have a genetic disorder or a particular illness. You might already be eating a sensible diet of fruit and veg with low fat, wholegrains and protein. You might even be a member of a fitness club. So why does fatigue dog some of your days? Add some or all of the following: dry skin, crusty eyes, hair loss, thrush, migraines, bloating, dizzy spells, nausea, constipation, depression, water retention, swollen joints and a stubborn spare-tyre around the middle. The cause the health-gremlins may have been speculated upon: borderline diabetes, food intolerances, an immune disorder or SAD. Hypothyroidism would seem to fit, but all tests are normal. I know because these health gremlins have dogged most of my adult life. After a health crisis where I started losing my hair, I threw away my bag of medication and embarked upon diet and health supplement trials. All records have been meticulously kept and posted on a personal blog over several months. I have now written this book to share with you my findings which shocked and surprised me. All photographs are of me, retaining my anonymity, due to the personal nature of the information contained. Whether you are a teenager, middle-aged or on the menopause, it seems these health-gremlins (as I call them) have to be accepted as part of being human. But it doesn’t have to be this way. This book is written for those who suffer the health-gremlins without a known cause despite health checks and blood tests. You will find the hard truths here, one of which is that your health is not that far away. The banish-your-health-gremlins journey has begun. With 30,000 words and over100 images. Note: always seek the advice of your doctor or specialist before making changes to your medication, diet, exercise or lifestyle.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » COMPUTERS & SCIENCE
embarked changes making stubborn medication