Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Rhetorik / Phonetik / Sprechwissenschaft, Note: 2,0, Universit?t des Saarlandes (Institut f?r Phonetik), Veranstaltung: Stimme und Alter, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Gobermann und Robb untersuchten, inwieweit sich die Schreie 'p?nktlich' geborener (nach 38 Wochen) von denen zu fr?h geborener (nach 32 Wochen) Kinder unterscheiden. Die Tatsache, dass eine zu fr?he Geburt neben anderen Risiken auch h?ufig die Gefahr geistiger Entwicklungsst?rungen und schlechterer Sprachentwicklung birgt, war bekannt und die Kinder auf geistige und k?rperliche Sch?den untersucht worden. Laura G. Scheriau is a Language Specialist, offering language and teacher training as well as translations for Spanish, English and German. She gained an integral Master's degree in German as a Foreign Language, Comparative and General Literature Studies and Linguistics of Modern German with extra credits in Literary Translation French and English to German, Early and Prehistoric Archaeology, Language Pathology, Phonetics and Phonology and Cultural Administration as well as Polish, Spanish, English and Korean Language Studies. Laura's passion for writing and cultural activities was developed early on and encouraged her to work on school and university newspapers since the age of 15. She was always socially engaged in intercultural communication e.g. through the Mercator foundation's project for children and adolescents with emigrational background, or the EU funded "Youth in Action" projects with NGOs in Romania, Czech Republic and Azerbaijan to promote political and cultural awareness. Laura has always enjoyed intercultural connections and has over the years developed many strong relationships through travel experiences all over the world and work in Germany, Mexico and the UK. After working several years in Mexico and travelling through the American continent, Laura is currently living in London, UK, and working as Arts&Culture Editor for The Mantle, New York, USA.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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