RED YEARS, BLACK YEARS Anarchist Resistance to Fascism in Italy


RED YEARS, BLACK YEARS Anarchist Resistance to Fascism in Italy


479 円 (税抜き)

In tthese pages we have recorded some episodes in the Italian anarchist resistance to fascism, particularly in the struggle against blackshirt gangs in the 1920s, and the armed resistance to the Nazis between 1943 and 1945. A few episodes only: We have many more accounts from comrades all over Italy than are given here. To present them all would make a much larger and more fragmented work than this. We have not attempted to write the definitive history of the Italian anarchists in these struggles. That history, which has yet to be produced, would involve a more systematic search for documents and publications, and the collection of more eyewitness accounts from those involved in the fight. What we have tried to do is to break down the wall of silence which has surrounded the anarchists' part in the fight against fascism, a fight which the Italian parliamentary parties now claim to have organised and led.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against particularly larger history silence