Why Liberals Are Full of It Why They Are Very Powerful and Why That Is Terrible (Unless You Want a Broken America)


Why Liberals Are Full of It Why They Are Very Powerful and Why That Is Terrible (Unless You Want a Broken America)


483 円 (税抜き)

We’ve all heard it a thousand times: liberals spouting geisers of dishonest nonsense. With this book, Kraeger endeavored to assemble the most comprehensive examination of motivations and methods for liberal dishonesty ever compiled. The central premise is that liberalism/socialism (which Kraeger submits are the same thing, as no one can explain where one ends and the other begins) are full-of-itーsimply math that doesn’t work. Liberalism endeavors to always expand government, which must come at the expense of the private sectorーthe only source for the money required for its expansion. Of course taking more and more from something being made smaller and smaller is impossible, but this fact doesn’t impress libs, as evidenced by their pedal-to-the-metal spending, even in the environment of the $20 trillion and growing debt. Greece and Venezuela have recently demonstrated socialist folly. Though the evidence of their failed ideology smacks liberals in the face, one never hears from a lib: “Here is where Greece/Venezuela/Puerto Rico/California went too far in their socialism…” Of course libs can’t be so stupid as to subscribe to math that doesn’t work, or not learn from mistakes. This leaves being full-of-it. Kraeger explains the various types of libs. He explains how and why libs: (1) Are compelled to fight against conservatives, which often means them making the case against personal responsibility, responsible government spending and fighting enemies. (2) Demand wealth equality, which means harming “too wealthy” America. (3) See themselves in the role of defense attorneys but with their clients not only criminals, but all takers, creating as many “government addicts/clients” as possible and in the process crushing the spirit of welfare recipients and creating more unwed mothers, drug abuse, dropouts, crime and neglect. (4) Commonly have “Underdog Neurosis.” (5) Refuse to compete or even recognize competitive forces. Kraeger goes into how lib soft-on-crime stances demonstrably result in more crime victims, and how they’re okay with that blood on their hands. The author pounds how libs can’t and don’t sell their positions honestly. He explains how libs could be defeated, emphasizing explaining to the young that they have a giant “Kick Me” sign on them for the country’s freakishly large credit card bill they’re unwittingly getting stuck with. He acknowledges that liberalism almost certainly won’t be defeated, and explains the dire consequences of such failure. The unique and timeless insight in “Why Liberals Are Full of It” makes it a must read for everyone from political newbies to veteran pundits.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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