Living Life in the LymeLight


Living Life in the LymeLight


1,800 円 (税抜き)

What do you do when every medical test comes back negative, but your body is wasting away? When Rachel Long was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease, the solution brought her closer than ever to death. Doctors told her it was impossible, treatments were drastic, the battle seemed never-ending, but eventually she found a solution in an unexpected way. Usually considered a rare East Coast disease easily cured with a few weeks of antibiotics, Lyme disease afflicts at least 300,000 people in the United States every year. That’s more than the number of people diagnosed with breast cancer. For some, like Rachel, it can become chronic, even deadly. In Living Life in the LymeLight, Rachel and her family race to find answers as chronic Lyme disease steals her mobility and sudden severe allergies steal her breath, threatening her life on a regular basis. Suffering multiple large seizures in a day, using at least one life-saving epinephrine shot per month, she fights to survive until, through trial and error and much self-experimentation, she finds the means to live a happy, symptom-free lifestyle. Find common themes of chronic Lyme as well as tips on finding and surviving treatment and discovering a healthier, happier way forward.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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