Craving It *a Salacious CumSlut Erotica Saga*


Craving It *a Salacious CumSlut Erotica Saga*


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~ Her craving begins so naturallyーso innocentlyーthat she's the last one to know she's developing true, womanly, wanton desire. ~ Sara is sweet, chaste, and singularly focused. She only wishes for one thing in her simple, carefree life, and she hopes for it so much that it hurts. Sara wants to feel like a real woman: mature, wise... desirable. Growing up surrounded by gorgeous, voluptuous women seemingly oozing femininity from their very pores, Sara would give anything to be just like her beautiful mother Sabrina or her sassy, sexy aunt Agatha. Sara's fully aware of the power and control the women in her family have over every and any man, and she constantly wonders when, if ever, she'll experience or develop even a fraction of those seductive, alluring abilitiesーand those curves. Sara doesn't know it yetーshe can'tーbut her own sensual awakening is just beginning. And it's rushing at her at a pace she'll barely be able to adjust to. A deep-seated hunger is about to be born, one that will consume her every thought, drive her spontaneous, explorative impulses, and throw Sara into full-blown sexual maturity faster than anything else could. Sara finds herself inexplicably, inherently drawn toward a certain essence of the male anatomy, the very product of masculine excitement. It begins as a simple curiosity and gradually grows into a genuine craving. It's bubbling up inside and developing even as Sara unwittingly stares at her now-shapeless body in the mirror, waiting and wanting and willing for womanhood to finally arrive. ~ Her Innocently Developing Craving ~ His Steamy Bodily Fluids Savored ~ Their Growing Taboo Intimacy ~ This intimate peek into a "seedy" craving coming to fruition so naturally brings all of your favorite cumsluts themes to life for you to experience intimately: erotic innocence, cumslut erotica, erotic coming of age, cumeating, and more! Adult Erotica Warning: This book contains adult sex situations infused with explicit erotic sex scenes in explicit detail and graphic sex and language and is intended for mature adult audiences only. All characters are fictionally created and all engaged in sexual fantasy situations and activities are mutually consenting and 18 years of age or older. About the Author ~ Tina Tirrell Knows Fetish, and She's Not Afraid to Write the Forbidden ~ Tina Tirrell's writing is unique among all erotica authors in its drenching intensity, true-to-life detail, driving pace that picks up your pulse at every peak moment (ensuring your gratification, repeatedly, while reading), and even a touch of erotic comedy that you're guaranteed to grow addicted to. Tina's passion for each theme she personally delves into and every erotic taste she caters to is evident in her believable characters and genuine story progression. Her readers come away content, spent, and breathless for more, as if they've just enjoyed a new, intimate encounter all their own. 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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delves language unwittingly wanton essence