Healthgrain Methods Analysis of Bioactive Components in Small Grain Cereals


Healthgrain Methods Analysis of Bioactive Components in Small Grain Cereals


23,628 円 (税抜き)

The explosion of interest around the health benefits of whole grains has led to a new focus on the bioactive components of cereals, including their location and physiological effects. Grains are an important source of minerals (notably selenium, iron and zinc) and vitamins, such as folate. These nutrients are often degraded or removed by the milling or polishing of the grain to provide refined products. Measurements of these components require methodologies for analysis that must be accurate and reproducible and that provide adequate samples to allow wide screening. The work of the 47 prominent international food scientists presented in this comprehensive volume is the direct result of the European Union’s Framework 6 HEALTHGRAIN program which focuses on the role of wholegrain cereals in reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome-related diseases. The development of routine analytical methods for this group of essential phytochemical and dietary fiber components will help food companies improve the health benefits of their products as well as their abilities to measure the bioactive ingredients in cereal-based foods.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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grains Measurements including products require