Smuggling Light One Woman’s Victory Over Persecution, Torture, and Imprisonment


Smuggling Light One Woman’s Victory Over Persecution, Torture, and Imprisonment


2,196 円 (税抜き)

North Korea is dark. Literally darkーmost of its regions are too poor to afford electricity and other basic needs. Figuratively darkーits daily life is hidden from outsiders, its citizens reticent, and its propaganda vast. And spiritually dark-its ruler, Kim Jong-il, is both worshipped and feared and the gospel is squelched without question. Into this darkness, Esther walked. Growing up a Chinese-Korean, Esther wanted nothing to do with Christianity until a visit to an underground church in China flooded her with the mercy and power of the Spiritーand she was given an unusual call: be a missionary to North Koreans. But again, Esther wanted nothing to do with it, or rather, with them. Rude, filthy, and abusive, North Koreans seeking refuge in China were the worst of the worst. However, when Esther slipped inside North Korea for the first time and witnessed for herself the shocking conditions, she finally understood: they acted desperate, because they were. Esther gave her all to her mission. Although imprisoned and tortured by both North Korea and China, sometimes destitute and always in danger, having few resources and little time for family, for the past fifteen years Esther has faithfully spread aid and the gospel witness to North Koreans. Smuggling Light is her true tale of bravery, humility, and complete reliance on the mighty hand of God in one of the darkest nations in the world.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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squelched always shocking abusive slipped