Making Use of Deleuze in Planning Proposals for a speculative and immanent assessment method


Making Use of Deleuze in Planning Proposals for a speculative and immanent assessment method


9,530 円 (税抜き)

Making Use of Deleuze in Planning translates and re-creates some of Gilles Deleuze’s most abstract philosophical concepts to form a new, practicable planning assessment tool. It shows what his philosophy can do for planning theory as well as planning assessment practice and, in doing so, sets out a pragmatic approach to Deleuzian studies: one that helps form bridges between ontological problems and the problems found in professional practice. It also breaks new ground in assessment methodology by challenging the essentialist ideas underpinning assessment methods like BREEAM and setting out and testing a new form of non-essentialist assessment named SIAM. The book argues that Deleuze’s philosophy can be made useful to planning as long as one is prepared to adapt and re-create his key ontological concepts to respond to the specific demands of the field.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » ART & ENTERTAINMENT
underpinning studies argues concepts essentialist