Black America (Interracial Erotica): Book One


Black America (Interracial Erotica): Book One


337 円 (税抜き)

What if America's founding fathers were all black? What if whites were this country's struggling minority? What if every white girl in the country dreamed of "moving up in the world" by marrying a black man? This is the harsh reality for Hannah Reid: a buxom blonde-haired blue-eyed young woman attending college on a minority scholarship. Hannah has never known anything different. Her whole life she's been taught that black people are superior in every conceivable way. Indeed the stereotype of weak white males has been perpetuated in history books, TV shows, Hollywood movies, and all other media outlets. Even her own father has been cucked by a younger black man! Now, at 19, Hannah must make an important life decision. Will she give in to the romantic advances of her nerdy white friend Steven? Or will she fall into the footsteps of all those white women who have used their beauty as ways of social advancement in a black-owned world?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Hannah -haired history America reality