Shapeshifters: The Skinwalker


Shapeshifters: The Skinwalker


321 円 (税抜き)

A dead parakeet. A murdered rat. A cat missing its head… Aurora and her twin brothers, Kyle and Ian, know something strange is going on in their town. But as they search for the animal killer in their midst, they have their own secret to hideーone that makes them especially vulnerable to this vicious murderer. Together, they must put an end to the havoc this evil being is wrecking throughout their town. But it won’t be an easy task when Aurora is reluctantly drawn to the mysterious boy who she believes is the monster that they must kill. As the bodiesーboth animal and humanーcontinue to pile up, Aurora, Kyle and Ian learn they’re not the only ones with secrets to conceal. Their task soon becomes a race against time as they must hurry to uncover the true killerーbefore they become its next victims.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against >Aurora vicious murderer murdered