The Complete Guide to Erotic Role-Playing How to Make Your Wildest, Hottest Sexual Fantasies Come True, 125 Naughty Scenarios Included


The Complete Guide to Erotic Role-Playing How to Make Your Wildest, Hottest Sexual Fantasies Come True, 125 Naughty Scenarios Included


800 円 (税抜き)

Sex is boring. Sex is just the same old, same old. Sex just loses its thrill after a while. Wrong! You might have heard such sentiments from other people but chances are they have never honestly tried to make their sex lives more exciting. Using role play, toys, and a little kink, you can transform just another roll in the hay into something downright magical. You can role play with your partner and experience the most intense sexual affairs, fantasies, and fetishes you’ve never had! In Part 1 of this book, we’re going to discuss all the rules, scenarios and energy dynamics involved in “serious” sex games and erotic role playing. You’re going to learn how to broach the subject with your spouse, how to get even kinkier with more people (if you want), and how to bring back that spark in your current relationship. Still not sure what to do? Don't worry. In Part 2 of this book, we have listed 125 "Done-for-You" ready-to-use erotic role playing scenarios to get you started. Some of these scenarios are kinky and wild. Some are romantic and cute. Some are even hilarious and over the top. And it takes all kinds to make for an unpredictable and fun sex life! So go ahead and try them out. You will be pleasantly surprised!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>broach erotic little hilarious kinkier