Where man has not tread, fools dare not go. Through realm of darkness and beneath the double rainbow is a barrier of Reason. Beyond the veil is the realm of color and light, and to progress beyond is to venture into a universe of chaos and endless possibility; into the infinite. Locke and Ence are back for a third year of comics from Massive Pwnage! Following a swift return from the worlds beyond our own, Locke finds his shop under new management. Follow Ence, Alice, and Locke as they suffer the mundane with the optimistic and business-oriented manager, Stan, as well as the duo's journey into a world of adventure... Into the Infinite chronicles the third year's worth of nerd-culture comic Massive Pwnage! This one hundred page book also includes sketches, commentary, a short story by Locke titled "Whispers of the Wind" and other bonuses that you won't find online!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。