Douglas Snelling Pan-Pacific Modern Design and Architecture


Douglas Snelling Pan-Pacific Modern Design and Architecture


9,530 円 (税抜き)

Douglas Burrage Snelling (1916?85) was one of Britain’s significant emigr? architects and designers. Born in Kent and educated in New Zealand, he became one of Australia’s leading mid-century architects, of luxury residences and commercial buildings, and a trend-setting designer of furniture, interiors and landscapes. This is the first comprehensive study of Snelling’s pan-Pacific life, works and trans-disciplinary significance. It provides a critical examination of this controversial modernist, revealing him to be a colourful and talented protagonist who led antipodean interpretations of American, especially Wrightian and southern Californian, architecture, design and lifestyle innovations.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Burrage >Douglas modernist Britain buildings