Finding Your Inner Mama Women Reflect on the Challenges and Rewards of Motherhood


Finding Your Inner Mama Women Reflect on the Challenges and Rewards of Motherhood


2,325 円 (税抜き)

Motherhood can be one of the most intense and transformative experiences of a woman's life. While there are many books that offer the "do's and don'ts" of effective parenting, few offer guidance on navigating the tumultuous inner experience of being a mother, with all its joy, pain, change, and uncertainty. This collection of writing by psychologists, poets, novelists, spiritual teachers, and everyday moms explores the rich, transformative journey of motherhood. ? Poet and novelist Louise Erdrich captures the sheer wonder and awe of early motherhood. ? Self-described "hip momma" Ariel Gore reflects on the challenges of dealing with her daughter's adolescent rebellion. ? Journalist Joan Peters highlights the rise of the "Power Mom" and the risks of overparenting to our children and ourselves. ? Zen teacher Cheri Huber shares a spiritual perspective: sometimes it's us parents who need a "time out" so that we can be more fully present and loving with our children. Previously published under the title Your Children Will Raise You.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter uncertainty motherhood >Motherhood writing