From Trash to Treasure: 50 DIY Projects to Transform Something Useless Into Something Useful DIY Hacks


From Trash to Treasure: 50 DIY Projects to Transform Something Useless Into Something Useful DIY Hacks


733 円 (税抜き)

Have you ever considered how much your old items might value? As you’re reading this, you probably might say to yourself: “Yeah, right! I have tons of clutter. What am I supposed to do with it?” The answer to that question is actually really simple. All you need is a plan. Clean. Take out the clutter. Organize it and decide what can be used further on. Leave the rest to your imagination. Or take a quick look over the tips and tricks this book has to offer. You might be surprised. Old items can hold a great value if you know how to emphasize their essence. In order for this to happen, you need a few skills, patience, time and imagination. And a starter, meaning this book, in our case. Inside you will learn: What Reusing Means What Are The Benefits Of Such An Action How To Lift Up Your Garden’s Spirit A Few Tricks To Redecorate Your Favorite Indoor Spaces Stand out using handmade jewelry How To Have Fun With Your Wardrobe How To Make Your Own Dairy Products How To Clean Your House With Homemade Solutions How To Create Unconventional Gifts How To Manufacture Christmas Decorations These are basic tricks. Something to get you started. A book for beginners, if you wish. Once you discover how enjoyable these activities are, your thirst for knowledge will know no limits, as you will be tempted to search for more and more ideas, until you reach that point when your creativity will take over completely and you will start innovating items yourself. Wait no more. Take the knowledge with you and make your spare time your favorite part of the day. The more you wait, the more you lose. Start making a change in your life. Download this book now.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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