Retail Depositor and Retail Investor Protection under EU Law In the Event of Financial Institution Failure


Retail Depositor and Retail Investor Protection under EU Law In the Event of Financial Institution Failure


9,530 円 (税抜き)

Retail Depositor and Retail Investor Protection under EU Law offers an original perspective on EU financial law in the area of retail investor protection, examining the status of protection awarded by EU law to retail depositors and retail investors in the event of financial institution failure. The analysis of relevant EU law is on the basis of effectiveness and has been elaborated in two levels of comparison. The first comparative approach examines relevant EU law both externally and internally: externally, vis-?-vis relevant international initiatives and developments in the area of financial law, as the latter affect the features and evolution of EU law, and internally by examining relevant instruments of EU law with regard to each other as to their normative structure and content. The second comparative approach also examines the status of retail depositors in relation to that of retail investors under EU law, in the event of financial institution failure, and the relevant legal consequences thereof.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
externally retail relevant examines relation