Daughter Unlike Father


Daughter Unlike Father


129 円 (税抜き)

This story is basically about the strained relationship between a blue collar worker, Joe Slovic, and his daughter, Linda. Because of his parents, he acquires racist views as a small child. After serving in the army during the Korean conflict Joe returns to civilian life and begins employment in a tank manufacturing plant, and eventually becomes a welder. Joe marries and desires a son. Instead, after a difficult delivery by his wife a daughter , Linda is born. Because of the difficult delivery, his wife is unable to have more children, which frustrates Joe.,because now he will never have that son. While he wasn’t physically abusive In his marriage and the relationship with his daughter, he was a dominating, bitter and verbally abusive man. Also he is frustrated by not being able to advance on his job because of his temperament and a lack of education beyond high school. Despite two failed marriages, Linda becomes a successful lawyer practicing law. After early retirement, Joe reluctantly joins a racist organization, the Aryan Pioneers. With new friends, after a period of time in the organization, Joe takes over control of the local Aryan Pioneers organization. . By a fluke, Joe is elected alderman from his local ward after the existing alderman suddenly dies. Joe and his cohorts now make unrealistic plans for taking over control of the city and eventually the state and country. Of course, Linda finds it hard to congratulate her father on his election to the city council. Joe and his cohorts stage a victory rally in a city park. But, tragedy strikes when Joe is killed because the stage structure collapses. Now Linda has to prevent the Aryan Pioneers from taking control of Joe’s funeral and building a memorial over his grave, which is adjacent to his wife. As the sole heir of Joe’s estate she takes charge of the funeral and prevents the Aryan Pioneers from staging the funeral.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
building daughter advance marriage abusive