Blood, Marriage, Wine, & Glitter


Blood, Marriage, Wine, & Glitter


2,024 円 (税抜き)

S. Bear Bergman is an acclaimed writer and lecturer on trans issues. In hir third essay collection, Bear tackles the concept of the "modern family" as the trans parent of a young son; in Bear's extended family "orchard," drag sisters, sperm-donor parents, and other relations provide more branches of love and support than a mere family tree. Defiantly queer yet full of tenderness and hilarity, Bear's book redefines the notion of what family is and can be. S. Bear Bergman's previous books are The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You, Butch is a Noun, and Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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tackles support provide Bergman hilarity