Smith's Bible Dictionary 1863 4560 definitions and 66,887 cross-references


Smith's Bible Dictionary 1863 4560 definitions and 66,887 cross-references


906 円 (税抜き)

This is the compilation of Smith's Bible Dictionary 1863. It contains 4,560 definitions and 65,792 cross-references. The reason for the high number of cross-references is that each word within a given definition is further linked to its own definition in Smith's Bible Dictionary, if such a definition exists. Smith's Bible Dictionary is a 19th-century Bible dictionary with almost 4000 entries that became named after its editor, William Smith. Its popularity was such that condensed dictionaries appropriated the title, "Smith's Bible Dictionary". It was originally published as a three volume set in 1863, in London and Boston, USA. The first edition was followed in 1893 by an expanded four volume set published in the United States as A dictionary of the Bible comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history, edited by Smith and J. M. Fuller.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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