A Music Journey Remembered: The Life and Times of Brad Evans, Musician


A Music Journey Remembered: The Life and Times of Brad Evans, Musician


2,109 円 (税抜き)

Brad Evans has been an entertainer for over fifty years. Grad and his group the "Encores," made a unique sound that crossed racial, ethnic, and cultural lines. Starting with Brad's humble beginnings growing up in small coal mining town in Pitt Gas, Pennsylvania, to rolling with the famous "Rat Pack," as a musician sideman. Brad lived in an adult Disneyland, a world where partying, booze, and fine ladies and big money was the norm in the raucous 50s, 60s, and 70s. He crossed paths with the mob and rubbed shoulders and became friends with some of America's biggest stars like, Elvis, the Rat Pack, Nat King Cole, Frankie Laine, Phyllis Diller and many other celebrities of the day. He was popular, in demand, and asked to perform with headliners.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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