Yabar The Alienations of Murik Men in a Papua New Guinea Modernity


Yabar The Alienations of Murik Men in a Papua New Guinea Modernity


3,038 円 (税抜き)

This book analyses the dual alienations of a coastal group rural men, the Murik of Papua New Guinea. David Lipset argues that Murik men engage in a Bakhtinian dialogue: voicing their alienation from both their own, indigenous masculinity, as well as from the postcolonial modernity in which they find themselves adrift. Lipset analyses young men’s elusive expressions of desire in courtship narratives, marijuana discourse, and mobile phone useーin which generational tensions play out together with their disaffection from the state. He also borrows from Lacanian psychoanalysis in discussing how men’s dialogue of dual alienation appears in folk theater, in material substitutionsーmost notably, in the replacement of outrigger canoes by fiberglass boatsーas well as in rising sea-levels, and the looming possibility of resettlement.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Lipset elusive together useーin replacement