Meaning of Internationalization Practical Advice for a Connected Planet


Meaning of Internationalization Practical Advice for a Connected Planet


1,938 円 (税抜き)

In The Meaning of Internationalization, Edwin O. Reischauer--former American Ambassador to Japan and one of the world's most acclaimed scholars of Japanese life and culture--delivers a heartfelt message to the Japanese people on the need to look beyond their borders at the changing nature of the world. Reischauer stresses the need to adapt in order to survive these changes and thrive in the new reality that our ever-shrinking world is bringing about. While directed at the people of one nation, Reischauer's sage advice should be studied and applied by engaged citizens in both the Eat and the West as we work to adapt to an ever more complicated world. The books's message resonates even more deeply today and applies not just to Japan, but to every country in the new global economy.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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