Purposeful Parenting Allowing God to Change Your Heart so He Can Reach Theirs


Purposeful Parenting Allowing God to Change Your Heart so He Can Reach Theirs


1,614 円 (税抜き)

ACTIVATE YOUR PARENTING POWER! Considering people have been rearing children since the dawn of humanity, one would think we'd have mastered parenting by now. Yet every parent at one time or another has asked themselves, "Am I getting it right?". While there is no singular way to get it right, there are things you can do to parent on purpose. In this book you will: ・ Learn how your belief systems impact your ability to parent effectively ・ Uncover the secrets to listening with the heart ・ Discover how to deliver love in ways that your children can perceive and receive ・ Acquire new tools for discipline ・ Foster connection with your children through meaningful activities Tyra encourages parents and educators of children any age on how to nurture children who love God, themselves and others by being adults who know the way, go the way and show the way. Using biblical wisdom, personal stories and practical tips, Tyra makes the daunting process of parenting one you can approach with hope and confidence because parenting isn’t just done on the fly or by happenstance, it is done with purpose, on purpose.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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