Sex In The Stacks (Book 1 of "The Librarian's Horny Assistant")


Sex In The Stacks (Book 1 of "The Librarian's Horny Assistant")


335 円 (税抜き)

Cassia can hardly believe it when she catches Toby eagerly masturbating over a raunchy book from the library’s restricted adults-only section! The kid is seriously built…and if he’s that horny just from looking at forbidden pictures, she can hardly wait to teach him about the real thing! But she’s in for a surprise, because her lusty teen volunteer is even bigger (and better!) than she expects! ~~~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~~~ The library was closed for the day. Thank all the gods. Cassia drew in a deep breath of relief, then let it out again in a gusty sigh. She’d gotten through another day. She liked working at the library…usually. As jobs went, it was a good one…usually. But when a whole busload of energetic third-graders descended… Well, she’d sooner have dealt with a plague of ravenous locusts or flesh-eating zombies. She really should wait until she reached the safety of her small apartment to indulge in her nightly routine. But what the hell. She was tired, stressed, and she’d herded the last annoying little teenybopper out the door nearly twenty minutes ago. The library was empty. It was just remotely possible someone might venture out in the snowy cold after-hours and curiously peer through the frosty antique windowpanes…but the thick glass was so old and wavy, she doubted they’d be able to make out any details. A low, sensual moan echoed in her throat as she lifted both hands to the frilled throat of her old-fashioned Victorian blouse. One by one, the buttons parted, revealing the long creamy column of her throat. Better. Much better. But the lace-trimmed bodice was so restricting that she could barely take a full breath. She’d suffered through it, as she did every day, because the librarian of a small middle-of-nowhere town was supposed to dress the part. Staid, sensible, chaste, bland, sexless. Invisible. Part of the furnishings. A calm, placid voice dispensing quiet advice among the towering stacks of books. Grimacing, she kicked off her practical navy pumps, and wiggled her toes. The thin carpet felt rough and oddly sensual beneath her sheer stockings. She should wait until she was home to open more buttons…but it was the middle of winter. Darkness had fallen nearly two hours ago. And anyway, she’d be wearing a heavy coat when she made her way through the plowed snow drifts to where she’d parked her car. No one would be able to see her cleavage. And if a chilly wind snuck through the thick material, wouldn’t it feel delightfully sensual against her sensitive skin? Daringly she opened the next three. Her full breasts nearly tumbled out of her lace-trimmed satin braーthe one secret luxury she allowed herself on workdays. Oh, it felt good to breathe deeply, and feel the cool air caress her skin! A sudden creaking sound made her head snap around. Was there still someone in the building? No, of course not. It was an old building, full of creaks and groans when icy winds blew past at high velocity. But still… Eyes narrowed, she padded across the room on silent bare feet. It had sounded like it was coming from the tiny break room at the end of the hallway… A light was gleaming under the door! Frowning, Cassia laid a hand on the worn brass knob, and quietly turned it. It never occurred to her to rebutton her blouse. A lanky teenager was sprawled on the low couch, intently studying a very old book that looked almost ready to crumble in his hand. And as she stared in disbelief, she saw his other hand glided urgently up and down over… “Toby?” The kid was so terrified that he nearly dropped the book in his mad scramble to jump up and fumble with his zipper. “Miz Cassia! I didn’t hear you…”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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plowed drifts almost dropped workdays