Buddhist Psalms: Wisdom of the East


Buddhist Psalms: Wisdom of the East


402 円 (税抜き)

Since He who is Infinite attained unto the Wisdom Supreme, the long, long ages of ten Kalpas have rolled away. The Light of His Dharma-Kaya is in this world eyes to the blind. 2. Seek refuge in the True Illumination! For the light of His Wisdom is infinite. In all the worlds there is nothing upon which His light shines not. 3. Take refuge in the Light universal. As the Light of His deliverance is boundless, he who is within it is freed from the lie of affirmation or denial. 4. Seek refuge in That which is beyond understanding, For His glory is all-embracing as the air. It shineth and pierceth all things, and there is nothing hid from the light thereof. 5. Take refuge in the ultimate Strength, for His pure radiance is above all things. He who perceiveth this Light is set free from the fetters of Karma. 6. Seek refuge in the World-Honoured. Since His glorious radiance is above all He is called the Buddha of Divine Light. And by Him is the darkness of the three worlds Enlightened. 7. Excellent is the Light of His Wisdom. Therefore is he called the Buddha of Clear Shining. He who is within the Light, being washed from the soil of Karma, shall attain unto the final deliverance. 8. Take refuge in the Mighty Consoler. Wheresoever His mercy shineth throughout all the worlds, men rejoice in its gladdening light. 9. The darkness of ignorance perisheth before His light. Therefore is He hailed as the Buddha of Radiant Wisdom. All the Buddhas and the threefold choir of sages praise Him. 10. His glory shineth for ever and ever. Therefore is He called the Buddha of Everlasting Light. Most excellent is the virtue of this light, for he who perceiveth it is born into Paradise without dissolution of being. 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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worlds >Since Infinite called Enlightened