WHY? An Experimental, Avant-Garde, And Sometimes Absurdist Novella


WHY? An Experimental, Avant-Garde, And Sometimes Absurdist Novella


112 円 (税抜き)

"Why?" is absurdist and experimental work that was written by a writer who wanted to travel down new and intriguing paths of this important style of fiction- and prose-writing. "Why?" is an avant-garde mess of words that turn to sentences, to sections and then, to chapters. If you begin reading "Why?" and you say to yourself, "Why in the hell did I buy this crazy thing? it makes no sense. No sense whatsoever!" Well, my fellow earthling. "Why?" is not supposed to make any sense. Do yourself a flavor and take it in bits and pieces. Don’t delete "Why?" from your laptop, tablet, desktop PC or your cell phone right away. Call it up from time to time and read a snippet or two. Close it down. Call it up a few days later and read more. And I guarantee you, that big question mark in your head about a problem that you have may indeed be solved by reading this fustercluck of bad typing. "Why?" is a catch-all for any kind of crisis any human being is experiencing currently. This magnificent work was written to solve every type of emotional and mental hangover that is now plaguing humankind. * Do you wonder why your husband left you for another woman? Read 'Why?' cover-to-cover, thrice, and I guarantee that you will find an epiphany through your reading of it. * Do you wonder why you were cut from your college basketball team? Again, read "Why?" and you’ll certainly come to some sort of plain and simple answer why you failed and why the coaching staff decided to let you go. * Do you know why you got syphilis from that nice guy you met at your singles club? You know, the guy who’s a self-ordained minister and started up a successful company that sells goat and monkey whistles? Again, my dear, read "Why?" four times, cover to cover, and you’ll see the truth for what it is. * Do you wonder why the guy you’ve liked for such a long time took up a friendship with the woman who was your BFF for over a decade? Again, my dear, read "Why?" twice, cover-to-cover. and you’ll surely find the exact reason why the guy liked your friend more than he liked you. Yes, they’re getting married this weekend and you didn’t even get an invitation to the reception. * Do you wonder why your favorite sushi bar just closed? Well, Mr. Michigan Man, again, read "Why?" The reason and the realization may not be easy to ascertain or to accept, but the truth hurts, cowboy. * Do you wonder why you went out on that fishing trip last week and wanted to catch a grouper or a red snapper and instead caught a snaggle-toothed little thing that looked mostly like a fishy alligator? Again, read "Why?", Ernest "Macho Camacho" Hemingway, Jack "The Lumberjack" London and Joseph "Mean-Ass Jerk" Conrad, and there will be ample reasons galore for it all. * Do you oftentimes feel alone and isolated even though you're inside a crowded, shoulders & elbows theater and several thousand crazy young people are slamming into one another at a punk rock concert? Need I be redundant? Read "Why?", young'un. I am offering you, at a marginal cost, the ultimate self-help book. "Why" is the new literary rat trap that will solve any rodent problem that is befuddling up your sweet little head and throwing that big, bad, vociferously sounding monkey wrench into the middle of your totally messed-up life. It’s a literary rat trap big and strong enough to catch and kill gophers, groundhogs, beavers, and even meerkats. Trust me, it’s a given that "Why?" will help you solve each and every crisis situation that crops up along that crazy and dysfunctional trail of years you seem to be so cruelly trapped inside - so keep it alive in your PC someplace. And when you get a new PC, make sure you download "Why?" into your new machine. You never know when you’ll need it. Actually, I hope you accidentally delete it and then reorder it. That means more money in my pocket.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
typing problem flavor certainly little