Night Fighter


Night Fighter


806 円 (税抜き)

ONE OF BRITAIN’S MOST DECORATED FIGHTER PILOTS TELLS HIS RIVETING TRUE STORY OF AERIAL COMBAT… Fast-paced, hard-hitting and personal, Wing Commander J. R. D. “Bob” Braham recounts his brilliant career as a World War II fighter pilot. Beginning with his pre-war training, he takes us battle-by-battle through that fateful afternoon in June, 1944, when he was shot down over occupied Denmark and taken prisoner. From the desperate night-time sorties against the Luftwaffe’s air strikes during the Battle of Britain to the daring daylight intruder raids against Hitler’s crumbling Reich, his story reveals the skill, courage and teamwork between pilot and navigator that made him one of the RAF’s most deadly fighter pilots. “HE’S 400 YARDS DEAD AHEAD!” Suddenly there he was as clear as could beーtwin engines, twin tail, our opposite number, an Me110 night-fighter. He was turning gently to port. I climbed back to 16,000 feet, heading again towards Ameland. Before we had straightened out Jacko called urgently: “Hard starboard!” I hauled the Beau round in a tight turn when Jacko called, Look out, you’re closing too fast!” “I’ve got him,” I yelled. He was above me, in a tight turn, and at the speed we were travelling we looked as if we were going to ram him. I eased back the stick, put the sights on him and fired at the point-blank range of about fifty yards. There was a blinding flash as the Me exploded in my face.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against climbed sights starboard called