Dreadnought And Shuttle Halcyone Space, book 3


Dreadnought And Shuttle Halcyone Space, book 3


667 円 (税抜き)

When a reckless young computer programmer resurrects the damaged AI on a long dormant freighter, she and her accidental crew expose explosive secrets from a war they were taught ended decades ago. Welcome to the universe of Halcyone Space. Charged with protecting Ithaka and its covert rebellion from discovery, Ro and the members of Halcyone's crew learn to lead double lives within the Commonwealth. Their plans to hide in plain sight disintegrate when Alain Maldonado ー Ro's father ー returns seeking revenge and takes a hostage to ensure their cooperation. As the former shipmates track Maldonado down, each course they plot endangers the life of his hostage, threatens to reveal Ithaka, and uncovers conspiracies that could brand them all traitors.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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freighter uncovers computer Ithaka disintegrate