The Little Red Book: Of Little-Read Jokes about the Enlightened Left


The Little Red Book: Of Little-Read Jokes about the Enlightened Left


446 円 (税抜き)

Filled with pun-ridden put-downs and wise-ass wordplay, this remarkable anthology offers unenlightened readers like yourself a thorough introduction into the baffling realm of leftist confusion and a refreshing alternative to the more conventional fare of lowbrow humor you are undoubtedly accustomed to. Your fancy will be tickled with jeering jibes and sarcastic swipes taken at the expense of the leftist elites who rule over us in relentless pursuit of a more progressive and enlightened new world order. But just who are these enlightened leftists of the enlightened left, you ask? I’m glad you did. Enlightened leftists are those who believe that man is “perfectible” (woman too, if we stick to two genders). They believe in equality in a world in which equality does not and cannot exist (there is no equality in nature). They are the ones who always have the “solutions” to our problems, most of these problems being the direct or indirect result of one of their previous enlightened leftist solutions. The enlightened left are the all too optimistic and the all too na?ve with the all too good intentions who seem to be the only ones unaware that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. They are also unaware of their inherent limitations as human beings. They refuse to recognize that we are simply not able to fully understand all the ramifications of our simplest actions, much less the ambitious enlightened leftist reforms they have and repeatedly tried and will try again to introduce. They are rationalists whose reason is not sufficiently able to point out the limitations of their reason. In other words, they are the nannies, the pro-collectivist, the anti-self-reliant, the redistributors and the interventionists who have become so intrusive in our lives today. They can’t accept the idea of government as a system of negation within which individuals can freely develop on their own under the rule of law (a “don't do this, don't do that” model). Enlightened leftists insist that government actively intervene in our lives (a “do this, do that” model), always open for the next “solution” that 1) never delivers the results promised and 2) creates new problems due to the inevitable Law of Unintended Consequences. Enlightened leftists are paternal. They are autocratic. They are above the law because what they do is for “the greater good” that they define. They believe that the ends justify the means. They are the people who say, “we are from the government and are here to help.” The enlightened left are those who refuse to leave the rest of us alone. Although not famous for their sense of humor (telling others how to live their lives and what to think is no laughing matter), enlightened leftists nevertheless provide us with a near endless source of comic delight. This little red book is a modest attempt to tap into that vital source. I hope you will enjoy reading it. I also hope you will remember to buy a few additional copies for your friends and family. I am told it makes a wonderful gift idea, perfect, even, for any perfect or near-perfect stranger you might unexpectedly bump into on the street. It is a very small book. This makes it very easy for you to carry several of them on your person. I carry three of them with me at all times, for instance. I am sitting on two right now as I write these very lines. In closing, please try to keep two things constantly in mind while reading: First of all, many if not most of the enlightened left mean well. Honestly. They really do. Secondly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always refuse alternative provide telling