The Four Secret Rings of Love and Happiness Discover the Keys that open the Secret to Self-Love, Intimacy, Communication and Common Goals & Values in your relationship, but most of all with yourself!


The Four Secret Rings of Love and Happiness Discover the Keys that open the Secret to Self-Love, Intimacy, Communication and Common Goals & Values in your relationship, but most of all with yourself!


866 円 (税抜き)

Love and Happiness in a relationship seems so elusive, and yet we are constantly in search of it's power. Being Happy and in Love with someone is one of the most rewarding human experiences we all long for. We are bound to seek our immediate counter-balance. However, past the euphoric stages of any relationship..... what creates the foundation of any long lasting healthy relationship? This book is in your hands to answer this question. - Learn how to Love yourself for who you are and feel complete and at peace; - Develop and live an amazing sex life with your partner; - Develop a set of healthy communication skills; where both partners feel understood and cherished; - Finally, discover the founding ground for success in your relationship, with shared and agreed upon, common goals and values. Free Bonus: Visit and get your Mini Workbook!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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