Ex-Wives, Extortion and Erotic First Editions


Ex-Wives, Extortion and Erotic First Editions


623 円 (税抜き)

Cryptic notes about 'sexy? books from his murdered ex-wife lead security executive Jack Kacincyzk to Odetta Burnett -- bookstore owner, erotica connoisseur, and a woman who loves a mystery. Jack and Odetta decipher those clues on a road trip that reveals their own insecurities about aging, love, and commitment. Mistrust and misunderstanding make them separate at journey's end, but they're soon reunited when Odetta is attacked by men who are after the 'sexy? books she and Jack brought with them. To cap off their adventure, Odetta finally unravels the last clue, leading them to a pornographic web site and a powerful politician who wants them dead. Can they escape in time to crash Odetta's ex-husband's wedding to Odetta's ex-best-friend? And can she and Jack find the courage to take a chance on love and maybe find a wedding in their future'画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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reveals escape >Cryptic unravels pornographic