Solomon's Gold The Project, #15


Solomon's Gold The Project, #15


700 円 (税抜き)

An ancient scroll written in code is discovered in a New York museum. Selena Connor is called in to translate the writing. She's a world-class linquist, a member of the secretive, covert operaions team know as the Project. The scroll reveals clues to the location of treasure collected by King Solomon to build and maintain the First Jewish Temple. Hidden somewhere in the desert lands of Israel is a vasy hoard of gold, the heritage of a nation. Director Harker of the Project sends the team out to see if they can discover where the treasure is hidden. Selena is determined to quit the dangers of the field, but this looks like a pleasant change from the usual mission. It's just a simple arceological expedition, after all. But nothing that involves the Project is ever simple. Betrayal, murder and vicious enemies stalk the expedition, as Selena and her teamamtes follow the clues revealed by the scroll. Meanwhile, back in New York where it all began, a sinisiter plan is unfolding. Will the Project team survive their enemies and find Solomon's Gold? Can they stop a plot to kill two of the world's most important leaders leaders and thousands of unsuspecting victims? The issue is in doubt...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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heritage unsuspecting Connor called >Betrayal