Peaches the Piglet


Peaches the Piglet


800 円 (税抜き)

Peaches the Piglet is based on a true story about a tiny but determined girl piglet who wanted to escape being sent to a market farm in downtown Toronto. She wanted to stay on the glorious farm where she was born and where she played her days away with the other farm animals. But in spite of her protests she found herself being loaded into the back of the truck and taken away. But the courageous little piglet was not about to give up! She discovered a way to escape through the side of the truck and plopped right onto the busy 401 highway. Lucky for the piglet she was rescued and brought to live at Mrs. Brown's home in Port Credit where a whole new adventure unfolded. A portion of all book profits will be donated to wildlife and domestic organizations whose honourable devotion and good work save many a critter in need.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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