Thirty Days His Slave (My Sexplay Misadventures during My Rite of Passage into Kink)


Thirty Days His Slave (My Sexplay Misadventures during My Rite of Passage into Kink)


524 円 (税抜き)

Just as I was about to snag my life-long dream job, I accidentally sparked a crisis in my love life. I needed damage control bad. So I gave him this very official-looking parchment that explained my thirty day gift: "I bequeath myself both body and soul into the service of slavery to you, to do with me, to do to me, and command me to do as does fully please and delight you, regardless of the consequences to me or my person. From this time forward, I am your property." What was I thinking!? AUTHOR NOTE: This is a story of sexual intimacy revolving around a larger story. Most of the intimacy narratives are delivered in a "PG-13" manner.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thirty official myself control needed