The Admiral's Penniless Bride/Miss Winbolt And The Fortune Hunter/The Rake's Final Conquest


The Admiral's Penniless Bride/Miss Winbolt And The Fortune Hunter/The Rake's Final Conquest


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The Admiral's Penniless Bride by Carla Kelly Sally Paul is down to her last penny. As she spends it on a cup of tea ?? to stave off being at the mercy of the workhouse ?? the last thing she expects is an offer of marriage…from a complete stranger! Miss Winbolt And The Fortune Hunter by Sylvia Andrew Respected spinster Miss Emily Winbolt, so cool and cynical with would?be suitors, puts her reputation at risk after tumbling into a stranger's arms. But Emily is an heiress, and her rescuer none other than Sir William Ashenden, a man of some distinction. He needs to marry and she yearns to believe that William wants plain, upright, suddenly reckless Emily…not for her fortune, but her, herself. The Rake's Final Conquest by Dorothy Elbury Marcus Wolfe, Viscount Helstone, has more than earned the name of Hellcat Helstone, due to his wild, rakish ways. No woman can hold him ?? until he meets outspoken governess Sophie Flint. Her refusal to become his mistress has Marcus in a spin ?? and even more determined to make her his!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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