72 Silly & Short Monos* for Kids (Or Whoever)


72 Silly & Short Monos* for Kids (Or Whoever)


207 円 (税抜き)

*"monos" is short for "monologues." These 72 monologues have 100-200 words, perfect for short performance pieces in class, in a talent show, or in the living room. There's a variety of genres, none too serious, ranging from contemporary to sci-fi to fantasy. The topics are an eclectic assortment, appealing to many interests. For instance, there's The Chef, a child TV star who makes unique cookies; the kid who's called a butt who finds a hilarious way to diffuse the situation; and who hasn't asked, "Where's the remote?" Here are some of the titles of the monologues: Algebra, Yuck; Blood; Candy Store; Destroy the Invaders; Football; Grocery Shopping; I Just Want Chocolate; In Trouble for Talking; Me Vs The Fly; No Chocolate for Me; Pirate Treasure; Running; The Secret Frog; The Shampoo of Death; Trivia for Sale; Zap. The book also includes a few basic stage terms, tips for performing monologues and tips for memorizing.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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talent memorizing Trivia called perfect