Practical Academic: Managing Research Groups and Projects


Practical Academic: Managing Research Groups and Projects


923 円 (税抜き)

Practical Academic can help you to maintain a high level of efficiency now that you are running your own research group. You may be encountering challenges in managing people, projects, and balancing your time. This book provides solutions and strategies for dealing with these issues and more. By reading this no-nonsense review of the major problems encountered in running your own research group, you will discover how to: 1) Structure your group and its schedule to maximise productivity and development; 2) Build the most effective team to complete the work and deliver it; 3) Pre-empt and manage issues that arise in your research; 4) Develop tools that you can use in managing your group; 5) Promote a positive and productive research environment Practical Academic provides a broad range of approaches to improve your outcomes as a research group leader. Develop a strong, competitive research group using strategies to maximise on productivity and research efficiency. Each chapter includes reflection points and exercises, with downloadable resources that constitute a “Group Leader Toolkit” that can transform your current approaches to managing your research team.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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