Wifes Personal Trainer Seduces Her


Wifes Personal Trainer Seduces Her


645 円 (税抜き)

I have always been vocal with Lisa about my fantasy of having a threesome with another woman. And she has always been equally as vocal with me letting me know that it would never, ever happen. Lisa has a lot of hang-ups about sex that are probably due to her Southern Baptist upbringing and her Mother?s influence. I?m not really sure what?s involved but I do know that she has always been reluctant to try new things. We were married 15 years before she finally decided to try swallowing when she gives me a blowjob. Once she did it, though, she was hooked and now she seems to really love it.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always having Baptist before swallowing