Dead End: Plight of Rudy Barabbas


Dead End: Plight of Rudy Barabbas


96 円 (税抜き)

Jamaican-born cabby Rudy Barabbas wished for a different lifeーone with none of the problems that hounded him in his homeland. Living the American dream marked the core of that wish. After a promise to his beloved Mala urged him to chase that dream, Rudy now finds himself far from her in San Antonio, working nights as a driver for Caesar’s Cabs. On these cold, inhospitable winter evenings, serial killer Walter Kneebone stalks the streets. Unbeknownst to citizens, though, something far worse lurks about, and all its focusーthis timeーrests entirely on Rudy Barabbas. When Rudy chooses to turn left instead of right at an intersection, his cab is invaded by an evil unlike any monster his sci-fi loving imagination could possibly conjure. That one choice will change his life foreverーif he can survive!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Living evenings Antonio conjure chooses