Establishing Fiscal Strength in Higher Education; Management Strategies for Transformative Revenue Generation


Establishing Fiscal Strength in Higher Education; Management Strategies for Transformative Revenue Generation


1,451 円 (税抜き)

The market environment in which colleges and universities operate is increasingly competitive for both revenue and students. This situation presents immense challenges as well as opportunities for college and university leadership who possess the skills and can martial the needed resources to shift their institutions’ focus away from the traditional methods of revenue generation and identify new and expanding opportunities which are unique, marketable and profitable (Barrett, 2010). Establishing Fiscal Strength in Higher Education; Management Strategies for Transformative Revenue Generation is relevant for board members and administrative leaders of colleges and universities, particularly for leaders of schools that are highly dependent on tuition revenue. For the foreseeable future, colleges and universities will face declining enrollments of traditional age students, decreasing tuition revenue, decreasing appropriations, climbing enrollments of adult learners, and increasing costs. Through examples, this book describes and illustrates management strategies for launching a transformative revenue generation effort on campus, including: Securing Board buy-in and commitment. Activating the college community. Selecting revenue generation strategies and methods for assessment. Establishing separate management structures. The audience for this book includes college and university presidents, board of trustees, higher education administrators, fundraising professionals, students of higher education and staff members of foundations and corporate giving programs.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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