Copper Magic! One-Pot Meals No-Fuss Recipes for the Revolutionary New Nonstick Cookware


Copper Magic! One-Pot Meals No-Fuss Recipes for the Revolutionary New Nonstick Cookware


1,089 円 (税抜き)

Easy one-pot meals to make with your new copper pan! The new copper ceramic nonstick cookware has taken America by storm, and with this book best-selling author Ella Sanders offers easy recipes for one-pot meals. Dishes and desserts that would make a terrible, sticky mess in a typical pan will slide right out of a copper pan, making it simple to clean up with just a swipe of paper towel! Dinner is done in one magically nonstick, easy-to-clean pan that makes cooking healthy, homemade meals virtually effortless!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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nonstick terrible America -selling Dishes