How To Build Network Marketing Leaders Volume Two Activities and Lessons for MLM Leaders


How To Build Network Marketing Leaders Volume Two Activities and Lessons for MLM Leaders


806 円 (税抜き)

No one is a "natural-born leader." Babies aren't given a manual on how to be a leader. Leadership is learned from others. So how will we?**teach**?eager distributors to become leaders? By showing, participating, experiencing ... and of course, sharing stories. Yes, they could imitate us to become leaders, but not everyone is created the same, with the same set of skills or advantages. So there must be?**common?lessons**?everyone can learn for leadership. Inside this book you will find many ways to change people's viewpoints, to change their beliefs, and to reprogram their actions. And when these three things change,?**the results will naturally change too.** Building leaders in your organization is the best investment in financial security you can make. The return on your investment is paid over and over again. And the earnings from developing one good leader could dwarf the monthly payout of almost any retirement plan. Build your network marketing business?**faster**,?**now**.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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