The Body in the Backyard Abe Investigates, #1


The Body in the Backyard Abe Investigates, #1


439 円 (税抜き)

Clarence Collin is pushing up daisiesーin Abe's bed of zinnias! When the caustic critic of a TV gardening show winds up murdered in Abe's well-groomed backyard, both Abe and his hunky-but-irritating neighbor Gregory might be on the suspect list. Abe starts amateur sleuthing in self-defense...and to spend time with Gregory. When the two green thumbs look into their neighborhood's dirty little secrets, who knows what they'll dig up? A cozy gay mystery 51,000 words画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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neighbor -groomed critic thumbs little